Discover the Different Types of Monkeys: A Guide to Monkey Species (2024)

Many types of monkeys can be found throughout the world. Monkeys originated in tropical and subtropical areas, such as Africa, Asia, and Central and South America. They are classified in the same scientific order as apes and human beings. All the various types of monkeys fall into one of two categories, Old World Monkeys or New World Monkeys.

Old World monkeys can be recognized because they have nostrils close to one another and point toward the ground. On the other hand, New World Monkeys have very flat-looking noses and nostrils far apart. New World monkeys can grasp and hang by their tails, and Old World monkeys cannot.

These intelligent primates are known for their curious and mischievous behavior, often spotted teasing their peers or exploring their environment with an almost tangible sense of wonder. The detailed photos depict their engaging personalities and highlight the diversity within these fascinating jungle dwellers.

  • Where to spot them: Jungles in the Amazon, Southeast Asia, and Central America regions.
  • Types of monkeys: Capuchins, macaques, baboons, and more.
  • What to look for:
    • Playful interactions
    • Facial expressions
    • Dynamic postures

Whether swinging energetically from branch to branch, foraging for food, or nurturing their young, each image of these mischievous monkeys provides a snapshot into their complex social structures and behaviors.

Discover the Different Types of Monkeys: A Guide to Monkey Species (1)

From the red-shanked douc to the pygmy marmoset, there are over 264 distinct species of monkeys across our world. This guide will explore all these great primates and their traits, habitats, conservation efforts, and cultural impact on humans and the monkey world. We’ll dive into Old World Monkeys, New World Monkeys, and rarer kinds, so brace yourself for an exhilarating journey through this thrilling realm!

Table of Contents

Old World Monkeys: Diverse and Fascinating Species

Old World monkeys, spread among great apes across Africa and Asia, possess many species exhibiting particular traits. One such specimen is Guenons, which stand out through their captivating colors and exuberant behavior. Macaques are also not to be missed.

They demonstrate remarkable adaptability along with occupying numerous habitats across the globe. Colobus monkeys’ specialized digestive systems allow them to feed exclusively on leaves, thus underscoring the broad range within animal kingdom populations.

Given this amazing variety among Old World monkey varieties, there’s more than enough reason to understand these extraordinary creatures better. How do they live? What roles do some members play that set them apart from others? Exploring a range of world monkey species by investigating life for each one could offer great insight into wildlife at its finest!


Guenons are primates of the Old World, easily recognizable for their long tails, striking fur, and cheek pouches used to stockpile food. With twenty-six species widespread across Africa, these monkeys can be found in thick forests or floodplains. Social animals, guenons – particularly howler monkey varieties – utilize vocalizations to keep contact with other members of their kind throughout the day.

Unfortunately, some types, such as Roloway monkeys, have been classified as critically endangered due partly to habitat loss and illegal hunting practices, leaving a dwindling population behind them. The iconic loud call made by this particular breed is why howler monkeys remain so renowned among old-world primate inhabitants today.


Macaques are a large group of 23 monkey species in Asia and Africa. These primates have diverse behaviors and exciting adaptations to various environments, such as the Japanese macaque or “snow monkeys” that can endure cold temperatures and even bathe in hot springs.

Old World Monkeys lack tails, except Barbary Macaques found living across North Africa, mainly on Gibraltar’s mainland, which puts them under endangered conservation status, while Proboscis Monkey, endangered due to habitat loss, is natively residing in Borneo island.

Hence, its declining numbers get it listed among endangered species. Though Crab-Eating rhesus Macaque often has an enthusiastic personality and very social behavior in congregations, sometimes up to 200 individuals, Rhesus Macque takes pride in great swimming and climbing talents — Snowmonkey counts continue to increase enough, rating those amongst least concerned!

Colobus Monkeys

African night monkeys like colobus and owl monkeys are known for their distinctive black-and-white facial fur and white tails. They mainly sleep during the day and communicate vocally through small social groups. Unfortunately, some species like King Colobus or Zanzibar Red Colobus have been classified as endangered due to human activities that destroyed habitats and caused the hunting of these primates.

New World Monkeys: The Tree-Dwelling Primates of the Americas

Discover the Different Types of Monkeys: A Guide to Monkey Species (2)

We can explore the captivating world of New World monkeys, a species of tree-dwelling primates in tropical forests across the Americas. This includes three specific types: capuchin monkeys, tamarins, and spider monkey varieties – each with distinct features and behaviors.

Let’s delve into this vast domain where these particular new world monkey species may reside to uncover more about them!

Capuchin Monkeys

Capuchin monkeys have amazed us with their remarkable intelligence and capacity for manipulating objects. Native to Central and South America, they are known for their agility when swinging through the trees using prehensile tails and being highly social animals that form groups. These primates possess great intellectual aptitude and incredible manual talent, enabling them to solve complex problems inventively.

Despite this charm, capuchins face numerous threats, including destroying habitat areas due to human activities such as deforestation or illegal trafficking into pet trade markets. Both render an uncertain future for these creatures from Central and South America.

Tamarin Monkeys

Tamarin monkeys are endangered little primates native to Central and South America with long, agile fingers. The golden lion tamarin is a particularly at-risk species due to human destruction of their natural habitats and hunting activity. Despite being small, these animals have incredible agility for navigating the treetops while seeking food sources. Conservation efforts must be taken if we want this unique monkey type to become extinct.

Spider Monkeys

Spider monkeys are renowned for their spider-like agility and social behavior. They have long, prehensile tails and inhabit the forests of Central and South America, swinging through trees with remarkable ease. Many endangered monkey species face habitat loss or hunting threats, but these primates play an integral role in the local ecosystem as fruit seed dispersers.

Despite such difficulties they may encounter, we can’t help but be mesmerized by this unique creature’s ability to traverse through foliage so gracefully! Spider monkey study has become increasingly crucial due to conservation efforts needed to protect those vulnerable populations from decline or even extinction.

Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey is an endangered primate that requires protection due largely to human activity in its native home range areas.

Lesser-Known Monkey Species: Uncovering Rare and Endangered Primates

Exploring the world of undiscovered monkey species, we come across rare and endangered primates mostly hidden from public view. In this section, let us uncover three unique creatures: The pygmy marmoset, red-shanked douc, and kipunji with their features and threats to their life.

The smallest among all monkeys is the pygmy marmoset, with its size stretching only 6 inches in length, nothing compared to other monkeys!

Pygmy Marmoset

The smallest monkey on the planet is found in tropical regions of South America, namely in the Amazon rainforest. The pygmy marmoset measures 18.6 cm (7.3in) and weighs approximately 246 g (8.7 oz).

Despite its small size, this rare animal has adapted to survive among more giant creatures due to its unique diet, which consists mainly of sap from trees and insects that inhabit these areas close to riversides within thick vegetation layers.

A remarkable feat for such a small creature! Although currently listed as a minor concern at the present day, threats remain prominent about illegal pet trading & destruction of their natural habitats; Efforts must continue if we are ever going to preserve this charming species for future generations.

Red-Shanked Douc

The red-shanked douc is a critically endangered primate of gorgeous hues found only in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Its remarkable characteristics have been acknowledged, including dark to grey fur coats, reddish face pigmentations, and white tufts around their heads and scarlet legs. Without any doubt, it offers an incredible visual experience.

This species lives mainly within tropical and with subtropical forests. They have significantly become threatened due to hunting practices plus the illegal pet trade, thus raising Concerns about saving this splendid creature from extinction.

For that purpose, measures need to take place, such as preserving habitats while having legal protection policies put into action, to ensure these endearing primates thrive again in those lush landscapes.


A recently identified type of monkey, the kipunji, was once thought to be nothing more than a myth. It has an unparalleled call containing sounds like both honking and barking that can only be heard in Tanzania’s highland forests, which lie between 1,300–2,450 m above sea level.

Unfortunately, these habitats are increasingly threatened by destruction or hunting, resulting in their classification as endangered animals. This discovery speaks volumes for primate adaptability while illustrating why conservation efforts must become even more vital to locating unique species such as this one.

Monkey Conservation: Efforts to Protect Our Primate Friends

The well-being of numerous monkey species is in danger due to human activities such as habitat destruction, poaching, and the pet trade. Conservation initiatives have become crucial for preserving these primates’ habitats and preventing extinction. As reported by statistics, around half of all monkeys living today are considered threatened, which calls for immediate action from us humans who must work together towards protecting them before it’s too late.

To do so, a combination of measures can be taken. First, safeguarding natural environments where many monkeys live should take priority; this could include specific laws regulating ownership rights or breeding programs intended to restore population numbers among specific monkey populations that need help recovering.

Secondary steps, including education and awareness campaigns, may come into play by informing people about what endangered primate species look like and why they require protection. We hope more individuals will contribute actively in favor of executing efficient methods for the preservation processes linked to those distinctive monkey types.

Monkeys in Popular Culture and Human Interaction

Monkeys have been captivated by humans for ages and are often depicted in various ways in the media. Our fascination with them only increases because of their many traits – intelligence, adaptability, etc. Not to mention that some common squirrel monkey species, like squirrel monkeys or capuchin ones, can even be kept as pets if we consider all relevant laws regarding wild animals.

When deciding on getting a monkey companion, it is crucial to remember that these primates require specialized care and knowledge due to their complex natural behavior, but also biologically speaking, so researching local and international regulations before making any decisions is crucial when considering such an exotic pet acquisition.

Since these animals’ incredible capabilities will keep delighting us more and more every day as research continues happening around them, owning one will surely become quite appealing, at least once you give yourself time to understand everything involved before doing so!


Monkeys remain an irresistible fascination for many due to their distinctive characteristics and remarkable adaptability. In this comprehensive guide, we have sought to uncover the world these primates inhabit. From Old World species across Africa and Asia, endangered species facing extinction in a range of parts of the globe, all the way through to our cultural and personal relationship with them.

As efforts are continually made towards preserving monkey populations across the globe, let us take inspiration from them by emulating their resilience and striving for an ecosystem wherein humans can coexist harmoniously with monkeys.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many species of monkeys do we have?

For centuries, we have been enthralled by the curious behaviors of over 260 species of monkeys that can be divided into two distinct types: the Old World and the New World monkey. The former inhabits Africa and Asia, while the latter ranges through tropical areas from Mexico to Central and South America. These clever primates continue to fascinate us with their remarkable traits, which persist even today.

Why are monkeys called monkeys?

The expression “Moneke,” which originated from the German Reynard The Fox fable in the 16th century, has remained pertinent and has been applied to today’s primates. For that reason, ‘monkey’ is used nowadays when referring to these animals.

Do monkeys like to be pets?

Observing monkeys in their natural environment is better than keeping them as pets. Due to their infantile nature, they need much time and devotion that the owner cannot provide. Primates never reach adulthood or maturity. It would not be fair for anyone who does not have enough commitment and attention span available, which caring for such an animal requires every day. Ultimately, owning a monkey as a pet isn’t advisable since wildlife must remain in its habitat – where wild animals live with all the elements necessary for fulfilling their crucial needs.

What are the main differences between Old World and New World monkeys?

Old World monkeys are endemic to Africa and Asia, with their iconic downward-pointing noses. As for the New World primates of America, they have broad nasal cavities featuring outward-facing nostrils rather than those in Old Monkeys. Compared to their Old World counterparts without prehensile tails or weak ones, The New Worlds have notably more agile gripping appendages connected to their rear end!

What are some examples of lesser-known monkey species?

Exploring the world of different species of monkeys can be an exciting experience. Species like a pygmy marmoset, red-shanked douc, and kipunji have unique characteristics with distinct behaviors.

Related Resources:

  • Baboon Monkey
  • Marmoset Monkeys
  • Different Types of Frogs

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Discover the Different Types of Monkeys: A Guide to Monkey Species (2024)


Discover the Different Types of Monkeys: A Guide to Monkey Species? ›

There are over 260 recognized species of monkeys in the world. Monkeys belong to the primate order and are classified into two main groups: New World monkeys (found in Central and South America) and Old World monkeys (found in Africa and Asia).

How many types of monkeys are there? ›

There are over 260 recognized species of monkeys in the world. Monkeys belong to the primate order and are classified into two main groups: New World monkeys (found in Central and South America) and Old World monkeys (found in Africa and Asia).

What is the friendliest type of monkey? ›

Northern Muriqui Monkeys are the most peaceful primates in the world, living in uniquely egalitarian societies where relationships between males and females are free of conflict, and instead full of hugs.

What are the top 5 most common monkeys? ›

Ranked: Top 10 Primates, by Population
RankMonkeyEstimated Population (as of 2017)
1Muller's Bornean Gibbon312,500
2Common Chimpanzee236,200
4Western Gorilla175,000
6 more rows
Mar 29, 2024

What is the rarest monkey type? ›

Did you know that the world's rarest primate is actually a gibbon? The Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is critically endangered. In fact, this ape is found only in the Bawangling Nature Reserve on Hainan Island, China, located in the South China Sea.

Which type of monkey has the highest IQ? ›

1. Chimpanzee. Chimpanzees can learn sign language to communicate with humans. Topping our list of smartest animals is another great primate, the chimpanzee.

What is the biggest enemy of monkey? ›

Answer and Explanation: Monkeys in the wild have a large number of predators, including large birds of prey, crocodiles, large snakes, and predatory mammals like jaguars. In some cases, even apes like chimpanzees have been known to eat small monkeys.

What is the smartest monkey to own? ›

Capuchins are the most intelligent New World monkeys – perhaps as intelligent as chimpanzees. They are noted for their ability to fashion and use tools.

What is the most noisy monkey? ›

Howler monkeys are the loudest of all monkeys.

What is the best monkey type to have as a pet? ›

Best Monkey Breeds to Own as Pets - Spider, Finger, and Capuchin Monkeys. Discover the top three monkey breeds that make amazing pets - Spider Monkey, Finger Monkey, and Capuchin Monkey. Learn about their unique traits, playful personalities, and the joy they bring to your family.

Which monkey is closest to humans? ›

The chimpanzee and bonobo are humans' closest living relatives. These three species look alike in many ways, both in body and behavior. But for a clear understanding of how closely they are related, scientists compare their DNA, an essential molecule that's the instruction manual for building each species.

What is the most beautiful monkey species in the world? ›

The douc langurs are amongst the most beautiful primates in the world. All 3 species are endemic to Indochina. The 3 species are the red-shanked douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus), black-shanked douc langur (Pygathix nigripes) and gray-shanked douc langur (Pygathix cinereus).

What monkey is safe to have as a pet? ›

Marmoset monkeys are the most commonly kept and traded species of primate as pets.

What is the smartest monkey alive? ›

To say that Kanzi, a Bonobo ape that resides at The Great Ape Sanctuary outside Des Moines, Iowa, is smarter than a human toddler, may be understating it. That's because while human babies have to be taught everything, Kanzi has learnt his skills largely, by observing what other humans and apes are doing.

What are the 4 monkeys called? ›

Outside Japan the money's name are sometimes given as Mizaru, Kikazaru and Mazaru as the last two names were corrupted from the Japanese originals. The monkeys are Japanese macaques a common species in Japan. Sometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted, Shizaru, who symbolizes the principle of "do no evil".

Is a gorilla a monkey? ›

Almost all monkeys have tails. Apes don't have tails. Since gorillas don't have tails (this is starting to feel like a math problem), they are classified as apes. Other apes include orangutans, chimpanzees, bili apes and bonobos.

How many monkeys exist? ›

There are about 200 species, or types, of monkey. Scientists divide them into two groups, Old World monkeys and New World monkeys. Old World monkeys include baboons, drills, mandrills, macaques, guenons, langurs, and colobus monkeys.

Are monkeys 2 legged or 4 legged? ›

Answer and Explanation: Monkeys have two legs and two arms. However, this doesn't mean they can walk on two legs for any length of time. On the ground, monkeys use their arms like another set of legs, walking on the knuckles.


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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.