Jack Deere Reevaluates Legacy of Mike Bickle, Calls for Investigation (2024)

By Jack Deere

  • March 11, 2024
  • 2:50 pm CDT
Jack Deere Reevaluates Legacy of Mike Bickle, Calls for Investigation (1)

After receiving feedback on the joint statement, originally published on Dr. Michael Brown’s website last Thursday, I realize the need to underscore and clarify my stance on the Mike Bickle and IHOPKC issue.

As a former Dallas Theological Seminary professor known for my cessationist position, my perspective shifted in the 1980s. I became convinced that the Holy Spirit’s gifts, like healing and prophecy, remain active and relevant for today’s church. I’ve written several books on these topics, acknowledging Bickle and the Kansas City Prophets for influencing my acceptance of the prophetic gifts.

With the emergence of the Bickle and IHOPKC scandal, I’ve contemplated how or whether to express my views, given our past ministry collaboration. The opportunity to share my concerns came with the joint statement last Thursday, which I endorsed.

While I generally support the statement’s content, including Bickle’s permanent disqualification from ministry, it inadvertently created confusion regarding a potential “elders” panel within the Charismatic movement to review findings or judge the situation.

I have not been asked, nor would I consent, to serve on such a panel. In fact, I believe it inappropriate for anyone closely associated with Mike or his ministry to participate in a panel discussing his actions or the culture at IHOPKC.

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Jack Deere Reevaluates Legacy of Mike Bickle, Calls for Investigation (2)

My own previous attempts to investigate situations involving Mike have failed.

My journey with Mike began in the late 1980s, around the time I started at the Association of Vineyard Churches under John Wimber. Tasked with investigating allegations against Mike’s church by Ernie Gruen, my friendship with Mike led me to overlook significant concerns.

I still believe Gruen’s report contained numerous inaccuracies, misleading information and was motivated by jealousy. But my bias towards Mike skewed my focus. I was more concerned about debunking the allegations in a deeply flawed report, than considering important questions about Mike’s character, which I had erroneously deemed impeccable.

During the 2000s, my interactions with Mike became less frequent, yet the bond of friendship persisted. The last notable moment of our collaboration was in October 2004, when we, along with Rick Joyner, addressed Paul Cain’s misconduct publicly.

For those unfamiliar with the Kansas City Prophets, Paul Cain was the most revered among them. The episode shows the complexity of our relationship and the challenge of maintaining objectivity.

Our long-standing promotion of Paul’s ministry meant we had a deep-seated interest in the outcome of any investigation into his actions.

Jack Deere Reevaluates Legacy of Mike Bickle, Calls for Investigation (3)

In retrospect, I question whether our proximity to Paul compromised our ability to impartially assess the situation and communicate the full extent of the danger Paul posed.

When we confronted Paul, he refused to repent and fled all accountability.

Herein lies a critical point of contention between Mike and me: I advocated for a statement that unequivocally condemned Paul’s behavior, highlighting the decades-long pattern of what is now commonly referred to as sexual clergy abuse.

Mike, however, favored a more lenient approach, one that left the door open for Paul’s possible restoration to ministry.

Our eventual compromise resulted in a statement that downplayed the reality of Paul’s actions, portraying them as temporary moral failings rather than acknowledging the truth of his lifelong predatory behavior.

Jack Deere Reevaluates Legacy of Mike Bickle, Calls for Investigation (4)

This decision, I now believe, was a disservice to the victims, allowed for Paul’s continued influence and for further abuse. I have always regretted not issuing a more definitive account of Paul’s actions.

The recent joint statement on Dr. Michael Brown’s website affirms IHOPKC’s “broad outline” as historically credible. However, given that we now know that three of its prominent contributors: Mike Bickle, Paul Cain and Bob Jones, were involved in clergy sexual abuse, IHOPKC’s entire prophetic history is questionable, in my opinion.

Although it has been years since Mike and I ministered together, my last significant correspondence with him also concerned Paul. It was in an email in June 2022, concerning a chapter to a revision of my book, “Why I am Still Surprised by the Voice of God.” (Full email embedded below.)

Mike’s request to remove content about Paul, whom he defended posthumously, highlighted a manipulative pattern now seen in other communications recently made public.

Mike’s assertion in his email that “a dead man is not a predator” overlooks the importance of addressing false prophets and the damage they cause. His accusations of bitterness against me and admonitions that the chapter would mar my entire ministry were greatly exaggerated and illustrate his continued desire to avoid further exposure of Paul.

Jack Deere Reevaluates Legacy of Mike Bickle, Calls for Investigation (5)

Moreover, Mike threatened to stop recommending the book if I didn’t remove the chapter. For the record, I still included the chapter in the book, although I toned down some of the language. Sharing these reflections, I aim to caution the younger generations against my errors.

The disclosure of how passages like Matthew 18:15-17 have been twisted to silence abuse victims within the church underscores the need for transparency and justice. Mathew 18 applies to personal disputes and sin within the context of personal offenses, not potential crimes, most notably allegations of clergy sexual abuse, sexual assault, or harassment within the church. Jesus does not require abuse victims to confront their abusers before reporting them either publicly or privately.

I believe that anyone who experienced abuse should report it to authorities or independent parties rather than IHOPKC. I also want to emphasize that the survivors’ welfare dwarfs any concerns about the image of the prayer movement. IHOPKC’s commitment to full disclosure and independent investigation is crucial for genuine repentance. Without transparency, claims of remorse are empty, underscoring the biblical mandate for justice and righteousness.

Furthermore, I am intent on not repeating past mistakes.

“Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5:24)

The serious nature of the allegations and my own past failures to adequately discern potentially criminal patterns of misconduct of those close to me highlight the need for a transparent and independent investigation.

Jack Deere Reevaluates Legacy of Mike Bickle, Calls for Investigation (6)

Upon further review of the situation, I’ve come to believe that it would be irresponsible and potentially harmful for anyone to continue funding IHOPKC, participating in, or attending meetings at IHOPKC, unless the organization commits to the following:

A. Full Public Disclosure:

Full public disclosure of the IHOPKC governing structure, including the names of all those serving on the board of trustees, and/or other governing boards, and the minutes of all board meetings and financial statements.

B. Independent Selection of the Investigator:

I urge IHOPKC leadership to swiftly prioritize selecting a mutually agreed upon third party to represent the interests of all victims, as underscored by the response to their previous investigation which has been rightfully met with suspicion.

Investigators should be appointed based on consultation with survivors and the recommendations of non-profits familiar with clergy abuse, such as SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests), GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment), BishopAccountability.org, The Hope of Survivors, Child-Friendly Faith Project, Safe Horizon, and RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network).

C. Providing an Independent Investigator Unfettered Access:

Granting an independent investigator comprehensive access to all financial records is crucial for a thorough examination of the organization’s integrity and accountability. This includes not only basic financial documents like bank statements and payroll records but also extends to more complex transactions involving real estate, investments, and any business ventures tied to the organization. Such transparency ensures that all financial activities are scrutinized for any irregularities or misconduct.

The investigation must also encompass a detailed review of employment and personnel files, communication records, and organizational policies and procedures. Access to hiring documents, background checks, performance evaluations, and disciplinary records is essential to understand the workplace culture and any potential misconduct within the staff. Similarly, examining all forms of communication and the organization’s policies on financial management, employee conduct, and complaint handling will provide insight into how allegations have been addressed historically and the overall governance of the organization.

Furthermore, the investigator should have unrestricted access to physical and digital assets, including computers, servers, and security footage, as well as the ability to conduct interviews with current and former employees, volunteers, and any other individuals connected to the organization. This level of access, coupled with the ability to consult the organization’s legal and financial advisors without the constraints of attorney-client privilege, is paramount for an investigation that aims to uncover the truth, ensure justice, and restore trust within the organization and its community. The investigator should have full autonomy to access any records required or to expand the scope of the investigation based on the findings.

Jack Deere Reevaluates Legacy of Mike Bickle, Calls for Investigation (7)

In my view, it is imperative that IHOPKC and its related nonprofits immediately halt any actions that could lead to the disappearance of documents, including all forms of programmed deletion or alteration of Electronically Stored Information (ESI), such as automatic removal, clearing, or obliteration processes. Similarly, if there’s any indication that documents might be found on devices belonging to current or former vendors, subcontractors, and employees, IHOPKC should take swift action to secure and preserve this evidence.

Also, I’ve been informed that IHOPKC should be cautious of any actions that have led to or could lead to the deletion of documents or other information, as such actions may lead to negative assumptions by a judge or jury in the case of litigation.

The call for withholding support is not made lightly but arises from a deep concern for justice, the protection of the vulnerable, and the integrity of spiritual communities.

Without significant steps towards transparency, accountability, and a genuine effort to address and rectify past abuses, supporting IHOPKC may inadvertently contribute to the perpetuation of abusive practices.

E-mail from Mike Bickle to Jack Deere – June 10, 2022


This article originally appeared atDivine Detoursandhas been reprinted with permission.

Jack Deere is a writer and lecturer who speaks on friendship with God and on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A former professor, he is the author of the bestselling books Surprised by the Power of the Spirit and Even in Our Darkness.



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39 Responses

  1. Jack, thank you so much for taking the time to write this, and having the humility to admit your mistakes. No person serving in ministry for decades will be free from errors of judgment. The best we can do is to admit them and learn from them. So I appreciate you being a model of that.

    I sincerely hope this is part of a very loud wake-up call for all of us church leaders, not just those in IHOP.


  2. Jack, I believe you have a responsibility to disclose as much as possible about what you know about Paul Cain. The only public statements mention alcoholism and hom*osexuality. Your statement today is the first statement in which a leader has used the phrase “lifelong predatory behavior” (as far as I am aware). You helped cover it up; now help uncover it.

    Also, what, exactly, is wrong in Gruen’s report? Vague, general statements about how the report is in error don’t help. Mentioning that Gruen was “jealous” is an ad hominem that adds nothing to the discussion. You helped disparage Gruen; now help to tell the truth.


    1. Reading how Mike’s email to Jack Deere, was able to get Jack to hold back about 30% of his original content, you can see how skilled a gaslighter and manipulator Mike is. It is little wonder that some of his victims are in fear of their secret liaisons with him coming out and staunchly ‘cover’ him as a ‘great/good man of God’. If he could get Jack Deere to ‘soften’ the truth, imagine his effect on less well-known folks, or on people much younger than him?

      Also makes one wonder how many other people have received similar emails from him in the past? Emails purporting to show concern for the people, for Mike, and for their ministries when they are just sugar coated threats. Could this be the reason why some well known public figures are focusing on his ‘restoration’ and pontificating about why people should not engage in ‘gossip’ ?

      It’s either Mike is a genuine man of God who has repeatedly fallen so much that his conscience is seared and his faith shipwrecked, or like some have said, was simply a wolf in sheep’s clothing all along.

      Like the church in Ephesus, Revelation 2:2; may we receive a commendation from the Lord Jesus Christ as we test those who call themselves apostles and find out by their fruits (not their works) whether they truly are, or not.


    2. Yes. The admission here is only the tip of the icebergs of rotten people calling themselves leaders, and a result of many of us who claim to follow Jesus as we rather wish to have someone faulty so we can follow blindly because it’s too much for us to seek God on our own. (Hebrews 11:6)


  3. Reading Bickle’s email gives a valuable insight into how skilled he is as a manipulator. His email is essentially a series of threats cloaked with emojis & spiritual-sounding language; all done with the goal of hiding clergy abuse.

    The cure for this sort of wickedness is exactly what Jack Deere is providing: Transparency. Abusers & manipulators hate it because it takes away their power to deceive & control others.


  4. It’s certainly commendable for Jack to own his mistakes. None of us are immune from poor judgment. I have been a teacher, preacher and church leader for some fifty years. Sadly, there are no surprises here. My wider concern is the question that arises: are these leaders given to the Church by the risen and ascended Christ, according to Ephesians 4? I am a firm believer in the continuation of all these gifts (not restoration of, which is a restorationist post millennial schema). If not they shouldn’t be in the place of church leadership. Evidence suggests that they are not.


  5. Helpful lessons in this opinion piece, even for those like myself who are not familiar with IHOPKC. Formerly a professor at a very conservative seminary, Mr. Deere changed his views about a non-salvation element of theology that generates plenty of controversy. Now he publicly acknowledges bias from a long-term friendship, regrets previous mistakes, and urges corrective action. If the subjects of articles on this website exhibited similar humility and self-awareness, Julie Roys could devote her talents in journalism to more stories in the genre of How To Rightly Address Wrongdoing At Your Church.


    1. Okay. But, would you help us to understand how you think holding on to popular entertainers’ secrets to be kept from the populace of Christianity for decades is in any way “corrective action”?


  6. I’ll offer a general comment that I hope will be helpful for us all as we encounter moral and spiritual failings in the body of Christ–in ourselves, in others, and in ministries large and small (though the temptations grow as the publicity of the ministry grows).

    Jack writes that the harm to victims outweighs “concerns about the image of the prayer movement,” and he is right. But even against less important considerations, such concerns about image or reputation pose a very pointed challenge to our faith when they hit us. They pose the question of whether we will think and act in accordance with the principles of the world, or those of the kingdom of God. What is the motivation for coverup? Isn’t it that we we fear loss?

    “You will destroy this ministry if you uncover that” has been uttered too many times, in too many situations. But if truth will destroy our “ministries,” are they ministries or organizations that we have been lulled into thinking about as if they are like the rest of the organizations of this world, operating on the same principles, and subject to the same threats?

    May God give us the grace, and the faith, to live as if our churches and other ministries are the outposts of a different kingdom–with different sources of power and things other than truth to fear.


  7. Thank you, Jack Deere, for what you have written here. Backlash will undoubtedly come but, as a victim of abuse in religious settings, I hope you realize how affirming this was to read.
    Dianne Darr Couts, President
    MK Safety Net


  8. Julie,

    Could you please ask for permission to publish Chapter 13?


    1. That’s a great idea because I never read the book


  9. The idea of “Restoration” after a fall is very much misunderstood and misused in the Church. The restoration should be there, but it should be a restoration to fellowship and not to position in any ministry. Where a leader confesses his sins on his own, there should be a pathway for restoration to fellowship first and then a gradual restoration to position of ministry. But where a leader is exposed in sin and coerced to repent, the restoration should be only to fellowship and not to a ministry position, unless the person has spent long period without any position and has consistently showed fruits of repentance in his or her life.


  10. It seems tempting to defend a wayward Christian leader by pointing to their work ‘for the a Lord’ as a reason to cut them some slack. However, from scripture we read it is the Lord who is doing the work of ministry in the Church, who brings about the harvest; we are only to be obedient servants.


  11. It would be nice it any actual repentance happens, but that is not the trend and it is far from the norm. IHOPKC has cultic elements and it was started by a child molester. That is not something that is lived down or dealt with easily. It also took a clear teaching of Jesus Christ on how prayer should be done and turned it upside down by trying to far outdo what the Pharisees did that Jesus clearly condemned as well. The reality is that the whole thing needs to just go away. The body of Christ is God’s people. They are defined by Jesus, not being a part of a movement, or by association with certain peculiar people we think are “Christian.” It continues if you move half way across the world, change denominations or movements or whatever else. Our identity is absolutely NOTHING more than Jesus Christ. Do that and the cultishness ends.


    1. I agree. We know Jesus.


      1. I have always had great respect for Jack Deere and wondered about his son’s suicide…was he in relationship with Paul Cain…someone Jack trusted completely; therefore, I would expect bitterness. Nonetheless, I am very relieved that Jack has not thrown out the Holy Spirit gifts because of these weak men.


  12. Local churches, not para-church ministries, are addressed – directly – multiple times in the New Testament. Perhaps we should keep that priority in mind when pursuing Biblical order and putting a stop to chaos.

    Even though certain local churches have had problems too, I believe we must all return to more Scriptural structure; which should involve relational authority.


  13. I guess I should appreciate Mr, Deere’s statement, it seems genuine. But as someone unfamiliar with him or the other people who issued the joint statement, can anyone help me understand what they mean by “as elders in the Body”? Do they mean their local body who they fellowship and worship with? Or do they mean elders to everyone in the body of Christ? Is it just the product of having some platform in this American church culture? Do these kind of statements happen outside the US, in the church in China or the Middle East or in the persecuted church?


    1. I don’t think they are necessarily using elder in the sense of an appointed office of authority (as elders in a local assembly), but more in the sense of being older seasoned believers with an established history in the broader church.


      1. Maybe Brian, I hope so, but had left out that phrase, their statement would have read the same way. Instead, it felt like they were positioning themselves as more than only seasoned. It’s nothing personal, I don’t know them and would have the same reaction if it were different people publishing that statement. I’ll admit that with so many in the past having attempted to speak on behalf of the body of Christ, to anoint or condemn, that I need to resist cynicism.


  14. “Stay in the loop” the banner says below where I’m commenting. Jack, thank you for this as it Closes a Loop — in a way that I didn’t expect, and it was reassuring and comforting. I am not a victim nor someone you’ll have heard of, but Surprised by the Power of the Spirit wiped away any residual doubts I had (which were not many by that time) that growing past a conservative Anabaptist background into “charismatic renewal” and “Vineyard” streams of the body wasn’t a grievous error. So to have you accept your culpability, however minimal, in what has become of Cain and now Bickle, is to affirm that the moves I’ve made, the stances I still take are not insane, nor catastrophically doomed to some error that’s sure to be made manifest eventually.

    Thank you — and blessings to you in how (wikipedia tells me) faithfulness has moved you from Texas to Tennessee, “…και ο Χριστος ηγαπησεν την εκκλησιαν και εαυτον παρεδωκεν υπερ αυτης…”

    o7 my brother…ank


  15. Jack’s first mistake was aligning himself with a cult-mentality group along the lines of LDS. Afterwards comes the emotional and psychological manipulation that dulls the senses and sears the conscience (1 Timothy 4:1,2).


  16. Re: IHOP-KC case:

    Now, let us hear from the word of the LORD. Is it not written “ ALL scripture is inspired and profitable for correction, teaching, reproof, rebuke, and in righteous living….”. Consult with me, the book of the Law: Leviticus 14. Granted, these are OT laws of physical externalities (leprosy in this case), but are often replete with spiritual implications.

    vs. 37: If at investigation, there’s indeed plague in walls of a house, and if plague spreads into the walls, dismantle the stones of the house; and replace with new stones. If after new stones, the plague returns, and spreads, it is an active leprosy. The whole house is broken down. Anyone who enters the infected house is unclean until evening.

    Lesson: sin is as plague; if it spreads inwardly, dismantle leadership and replace with new ones; and if plague persists, dismantle the whole house.

    Now, in the new covenant, the cleansing and purification rituals have been fulfilled by blood of Yeshua (blessed be). All one need do today is simply confess sins, repent; and offer certain trespass offering (a public apology; a compensation to both victims and to YHVH).


  17. I commend the words of Jack Deere, including his admission that he fumbled the football in some ways, as others did, that set the table for how emerging concerns of M. Bickle’s deception and behavior were mishandled, and why the current effort by the ELT to deal with this mess in a way that glorifies God, exalts the Gospel, and provides a long but possible (but hardly probable) path going forward, isn’t happening. My prayer and burden is for the multitude of garden variety believers around the globe who have and will become profoundly jaded and cynical toward the things of Christ because of this and other analogous situations of the past and present. The institution called IHOPKC is of no consequence compared with how this impacts the Gospel, and those good men who have faithfully proclaimed the Gospel of the grace of God. Jack’s prescription for a possible ‘fix’ is absolutely necessary and I hope men who love Christ more than IHOPKC will insist on it. May our Lord tightly hold on not only to the handful of Jane Does, but also the vast number of people who have loved and supported IHOPC.


  18. You were duped sir, plain and simple… So willing to join the “special” group of men, who are supposed “prophets “ knowing “special” insight from God but not seeing the devil that worked right next to you… Just admit it, “ the heart is deceitfully wicked, who could know it “ As a believer in the gifts of the spirit it is unfortunate that they tend to be known more by their misuses than proper uses… If men are glorified in any way, it is NOT of God who shares His Glory with no person, entity or kingdom as HE is Creator and King of all things…


  19. I went to several Vineyard prophetic conferences back in the day, and it was a thrill to see these men read people’s mail, as we called it. I (and everyone I was with) idolized them and wanted God to use us in the same way.

    I’m glad Jack Deere is speaking out. I know it must have been hard.


  20. for evidence that cessationisim is correct, look to the hospitals. Where are all these holy men with the gift of healing?? Seems like the only healing they can do is if you need your leg grown a quarter of an inch or a back spasm healed. Show me the blind that can see because you facilitated a supernatural healing. I’ll wait.

    Or sure – “prophecy” – tell me who’ll win an election or what year the world will end. Oh got it wrong – well, I lucky for you we don’t follow the OT rules around false prophets now eh?

    Tongues? Gibberating nonsense that bears no resemblance to the NT act.

    That anyone believes *anything* from these profit chasing is a wonder


    1. The place to look for evidence is found in correct exposition of God’ word. The Bible clearly teaches continuation. Counterfeit gifts and manifestations are another issue. I have seen much of the pretentious and false, from gibberish, false knowledge, demonic tongues, claimed healings and much more. These things bring the good gifts of God into disrepute. They must be exposed and resisted. To be part of and experience the real deal is a precious gift from the Lord.


      1. The problem is that the counterfeit, fake, and incorrect gifts (and their incorrect use contrary to Scriptures) are the VAST majority of supposed sign gifts being displayed and presented in most, if not all churches. For starters, tongues MUST be a language (i.e., one that humans currently speak or once spoke). The vast majority of tongues one hears in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles is gibberish and inane babble. There have been a number of cases where supposed tongues have been recorded and studied by linguists and determined to not be a language. Why, because ALL languages have structure, tenses, verbs, objects, subjects, etc. Even the click talk of the peoples of the Kalahari Desert has a structure.

        The typical routine goes something like this: Person A in church babbles what they think is a tongue (but really isn’t). However, the Pentecostals know that you don’t speak a tongue unless it is interpreted per Scriptures. Then after some time, person B chimes in with a supposed interpretation. The next week, the same thing happens, but this time Person A speaks the same exact babble, but the interpretation is COMPLETELY different. When in reality what most likely happened was there was NO legit use of tongues and the so-called interpretation was in reality a word of knowledge or word of wisdom (assuming it was a legit sign gift).


        1. “Person A speaks the same exact babble”

          Yep, totally agree, Charles. Many years ago, someone in my church spoke in the exact same way so frequently, that many of us were able to recite her ‘language’ accurately, syllable by syllable, because we had heard it so often. And yet the church leadership continued to allow this person to speak, week after week after week. Why? Because she was one of the founding members of the church.

          And the interpretation usually came in one of three categories: a) After much hesitation while the congregation waited and waited, the interpreter would finally give an interpretation, however, begin with the less-than-convincing caveat of “I believe the Lord is saying….”; b) The interpretation was never anything awe inspiring / jaw dropping / divinely convincing that you didn’t already know just from a general knowledge of scripture; and / or c) The interpreter always delivered the interpretation in King James English (“verily”, “thus sayeth”, “thee”, “thou”, “harken unto”, etc.), which is apparently how God communicates with people living in the 21st century.


          1. If it was (b), then assuming it was a legit sign gift, it was NOT an interpretation, but a word of wisdom or similar).

        2. Been there and seen that. I was brought up in a Pentecostal church and quickly clued in. Many Pentecostals believe that tongues are a message in tongues from the Lord. Of course, that is unbiblical and makes no sense. Unfortunately, these things are a big turn off and become a barrier to seeking every good gift which comes from God. The gift of tongues then is seen as being either demonic or nonsense. In many cases this is correct. Good exposition and Godly order is necessary.


          1. According to Scriptures, tongues are a language, specifically a human language that is spoken currently or was spoken. That was the remarkable aspect when it occurred in the upper room narrative at Pentecost. You had uneducated fishermen and the like (who only spoke Aramaic and perhaps Hebrew) speaking Greek, Latin, the linguistic predecessors to Amharic, and other languages.

      2. The Pentecostal and Charismatic movements represent the Wild, Wild West when it comes to healing, miracles, and prophesy. At least the continuationist Roman Catholic Church has standards for miracles and a Miracle Commission that thoroughly investigates such claims. Protestant continuationists would never submit their claims to anyone’s objective scrutiny. They know 99.9% of their claims are either false, nonsense, or unprovable. We all know of instances of trivial happenstance that get elevated to miracle status. Gullible sheep are expected to have faith and believe whatever they are told.


    2. I experienced miracles at my own hand in Thailand when acting as a missionary. I fear that you have a skewed point of view based on never having experienced the power of God for yourself. I came to Christ through John Piper’s church in Minneapolis, and was an ardent follower of John MacArthur — both men I still admire.


  21. So we’re finally getting to the heart of all of this “sexual clergy abuse” that never involved sex: MONEY

    So now we have a leader in the body of Christ calling for full financial disclosure for “justice” for “victims” who never had sex with Mike Bickle. And supporters are being told to not send in money until the finances are released.

    We cant we just let this die and let IHOP get back to praise n worship?


    1. That is because IHOP is corrupt to the core with its leadership engaging in biblically disqualifying sins, coverups, crimes, and abuses for DECADES. It is IHOP itself that needs to die and be buried.


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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.