Pensacola Beach Air Show live coverage: Blue Angels wow despite bad weather (2024)

Table of Contents
Heat takes toll on beachgoers, EMS tent staying open | 3:10 p.m. Navarre Beach Bridge will be closed to southbound traffic | 3 p.m. Blue Angels are in the air | 2:35 p.m. Weather break didn't scare beachgoers away | 2:15 p.m. Blue Angels scheduled to fly at 2:30 p.m. Fat Albert won't fly today | 1:20 p.m. Blue Angels will perform at about 3 p.m., officials predict | 1 p.m. Pensacola Beach Air Show set to resume | 12:53 p.m. Civilian planes unlikely to fly once show resumes | 12:45 p.m. Lightning protocol in effect as show temporarily postponed | 12:05 p.m. Pensacola Beach Air Show on hold | noon Bad weather moving in, Emergency Management warns | 11:45 a.m. Casino Beach, Little Sabine Bay & Santa Rosa Sound packed and active | 11:25 a.m. What to do if you get overheated of Pensacola Beach | 11:05 a.m. When do the Blue Angels fly? Blue Angels fan: 'You can’t help but have your blood turn red, white and blue’ | 9:50 a.m. Pensacola Beach visitors get creative | 9:20 a.m. Cooling tent, water available | 8:55 a.m. Green flags flying at Pensacola Beach Air Show | 7:55 a.m. Heat advisory issued | 7:40 a.m. Fishing pier to partially close at 10:30 a.m.| 7 a.m. Breakfast on Pensacola Beach? Try a Blue Angel bowl | 6:50 a.m. 50 waterfront parking spots left -if you’re willing to pay | 6:25 a.m. Trolley Service to Casino Beach to begin shortly | 6 a.m. Pensacola Beach already crowded at prime spots for air show | 5:50 a.m. Casino Beach Parking lot closed by 3:30 a.m. | 5:15 a.m. Casino Beach and Quietwater parking lot full at Pensacola beach | 5 a.m. Pensacola Bay Bridge traffic heavy | 4:30 a.m. References

It's the final day of the Pensacola Beach Air Show and officials expect a heavy crowd of die-hardBlue Angelsfans willing to brave the heat to watch theU.S. Navy flight demonstration teamperform over the most stunning vista on the Gulf Coast.

It's going to be hot and humid, however, so buckle up for a long day. The good news is, there is plenty of action to keep you entertained. Follow along below for up-to-the-minute updates from the show.

Heat takes toll on beachgoers, EMS tent staying open | 3:10 p.m.

EMS has been keeping busy this afternoon as they evaluate patients and make sure their health isn’t at risk during the Pensacola Beach Air Show.

EMS supervisor on scene, Colby Cook, couldn’t estimate how many people they’ve treated today, but he did share that many who came through their door had heat-related worries. Cook said there have been many people requesting medical care for a variety of symptoms related to the heat.

With drenched clothes and a dog-like panting around every corner, the gradual effect of today’s heat is clear as day. Many at the Blue Angels Air Show have sought shade, water or even a seat as the heat continues wearing down on them.

Historically EMS has wrapped up their services by about 6 p.m., but Cook said that could change today depending on the severity and number of cases that occur throughout the evening.

If you need to cool down or hydrate while on the beach, you can get cold water for free by visiting the tent situated in front of the Pensacola Beach Visitors Center.

Navarre Beach Bridge will be closed to southbound traffic | 3 p.m.

Following the Blue Angels Pensacola Beach Air Show, the Navarre Beach Bridge will be closed to southbound traffic and both lanes will be converted to northbound travel, according to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office.

The switch will occur at approximately 3:45 p.m. as part of an effort to help move thousands of air show attendees off Pensacola Beach and the surrounding area. The traffic pattern change was originally planned for 2:45 p.m., but was pushed back due to a weather delay in the air show.

Beginning at 3 p.m., the Florida Department of Transportation will alter the traffic signal patterns based on traffic volumes. The primary signals controlled will be at the causeway and U.S. Highway 98 and at Gulf Beach Boulevard and U.S. 98.

Blue Angels are in the air | 2:35 p.m.

The Blue Angels are on their way to Pensacola and are expected to have a complete performance.

Weather break didn't scare beachgoers away | 2:15 p.m.

As the start of this year's Blue Angels Air Show drew near, storm clouds and rain delayed the show for about an hour. But even with the threat of bad weather looming, many beachgoers stayed in the water or at their tents, counting on the threat to pass.

“I think we’re gonna wait it out,” said Logan Englert during the delay. “They’re staying, we’re staying.”

That was a repeated feeling among spectators, especially those who’ve been to the Pensacola Beach Air Show before.

While some people packed up their big beach umbrellas and tents, it was more to protect others from flying objects than to get a head start on the trip home.

As the Blue Angels prepare to fly, the crowd appears to be as packed as it was earlier in the day.

Blue Angels scheduled to fly at 2:30 p.m.

An updated schedule for today's Pensacola Beach Air Show has the Blue Angels flying overhead at 2:30 p.m.

The show was delayed for about an hour as severe storms were nearby. To accommodate the delay, the civilians performances were reduced, to give the Blue Angels the full hour to perform. The Blue Angels were only cleared to fly until 4 p.m. today, at which point the window closed.

Fat Albert won't fly today | 1:20 p.m.

Fat Albert has been grounded because of mechanical issues. The beloved C-130J did not perform during the Friday dress rehearsal either.

Fat Albert traditionally signifies the start of the Blue Angels performance, as it buzzes the beach before the jets arrive.

Blue Angels will perform at about 3 p.m., officials predict | 1 p.m.

The Pensacola Beach Air Show has resumed after a delay of about one hour.

The civilian acts have been given the all clear to perform, with the Blue Angels now estimated to fly at 3 p.m.

The first civilian act will now be the Redline Aerobatic Team.

The team features father-son duo Ken and Austin Reider, plus Adam Baker.

Ken, a former corporate and airline pilot, has been flying for more than 35 years and has more than 13,000 flying hours logged. It's always fitting to see Ken performing with the Blue Angels since they were his inspiration for becoming a pilot.

Austin performed his first solo in a glider when he was 14 years old and in a powered aircraft when he was 16. He's spent more than half of his flying time with his dad.

Together, they fly in the Van's RV-8, which is a two-seat, tandem plane. They are capable of flying up to 230 mph and have a stall speed of 55 mph.

Pensacola Beach Air Show set to resume | 12:53 p.m.

Escambia County Emergency Management have cleared the Pensacola Beach Air Show to resume. No further bad weather is expected at this time.

'We're confident we'll still have a show today," Air Boss Paul Entrekin told media gathered at the Pensacola Beach Air Show.

The Blue Angels have a window to fly until 4 p.m.. That has not been extended at this time.

Civilian planes unlikely to fly once show resumes | 12:45 p.m.

Civilian acts, which were scheduled to start at noon, are not equipped to fly in high winds or severe weather and are unlikely to perform before the Blue Angels, according to Air Boss Paul Entrekin.

The civilian planes are cleared to fly over Pensacola Beach but are not cleared to depart the Pensacola Airport.

Lightning protocol in effect as show temporarily postponed | 12:05 p.m.

Escambia County Emergency Management has implemented its lightning protocol effect at noon. The Pensacola Beach Air Show has been temporarily postponed while the storm is in the area.

Many of the beachgoers are beginning to pack up their tents and belongings to get out of potential bad weather, but there still are people in the water.

Pensacola Beach Air Show on hold | noon

The Pensacola Beach Air Show has been temporarily suspended as there are lightning strikes in the area. An announcement was just made over the public address system that the show is on hold while they track the incoming weather.

Bad weather moving in, Emergency Management warns | 11:45 a.m.

A strong storm was spotted near Lillian, Alabama at 11:22 a.m. and is moving east at 5 mph.

These storms will likely impact Pensacola Beach and Blue Angel Air Show attendees, warned Escambia County Emergency Management. Winds in excess of 30 mph and frequent lightning are hazards within this storm. The alert is in effect until 12:15 p.m.

Casino Beach, Little Sabine Bay & Santa Rosa Sound packed and active | 11:25 a.m.

Despite the gray and gloomy clouds lingering over Pensacola beach, locals and visitors are out in full force grilling food, playing games and spending time with one another.

Locals Gretchen and Andy Prior come out for the Blue Angels Airshow every single year, never missing a beat.

The best part about the event, according to Andy, is the energy of everyone who comes onto the beach during the festivities.

“Every soul that comes across that bridge,” he said.

This year, they were able to bring out family from Memphis, Tennessee for their first Blue Angels experience.

No matter what beach you go to, you’re likely to see big smiles in each tent, boat or crowd. Some people are choosing to relax in the sun, while others decided to wade in the water in order to beat the humidity

With thousands of people and vehicles moving around the island, ECSO is also out in full force to ensure things continue running smoothly.

What to do if you get overheated of Pensacola Beach | 11:05 a.m.

If you're at thePensacola Beach Air Show Saturday, one place you need to put on your radar is the on-site beach medical tent.

The tan tent looks unassuming from the outside, but contains 12 treatment beds, air conditioning and all the same technology that would be found on a traditional ambulance.

If you need immediate assistance duringBlue Angels weekend, EMS will come out to you wherever you are out on the beach by calling 911.

There are resources scattered all around the beach for prevention, including a hydration station with free water from ECUA parked near The Dock, and bottles of sunscreen available at Baptist Health Care's tent outside the public restrooms.

The Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce have opened the Pensacola Beach Visitors Center in the Casino Beach parking lot as a cooling station. There is also a cooling tent outside with misting fans where volunteers are giving away free water.

EMS advises hydrating before you get thirsty to help beat Saturday's high temps.

When do the Blue Angels fly?

Settle in for a long day because the Blue Angels will not perform until 2 p.m. In the meantime, the crowd will be entertained by a variety of civilian performances starting at noon.

You'll know the Blue Angels are about to perform when the beloved Fat Albert buzzes the beach.

Blue Angels fan: 'You can’t help but have your blood turn red, white and blue’ | 9:50 a.m.

Louisiana sisters Shannon and Jessica Jenkins have been coming to the Pensacola Beach Air Show for the past six years to see the Blue Angels fly. Still, Shannon will feel her “blood turn red, white and blue” at the sight of them.

“Anytime we get to see them fly, you can’t help but have your blood turn red, white and blue,” Shannon Jenkins said. “It’s so awesome to see them fly.”

She doesn’t hide her American pride, as it’s visible in her American flag bikini and tent streamers blowing in the breeze.

“That’s the thing − every year we come equipped with all the red, white and blue,” she said. “That’s our military, that’s our people that protect us day-in, day-out. And on this day, they just get to go have fun.”

Her set-up right on the water is only going to add to what she anticipates will be an unforgettable performance.

“You’ve got the beautiful view to begin with,” she said. “It’s always awesome to be on the beach, but then you have them flying above you, doing their show and you get to see it from the beach − you can’t beat that. Absolutely cannot beat it.”

Pensacola Beach visitors get creative | 9:20 a.m.

Just under five hours to go until the Blues take to the sky, and beachgoers are getting creative in ways to pass the time.

Friendships are being challenged over alliances formed in games of Settlers of Catan played over a makeshift tabletop in the sand.

High fives are plentiful over successful beer pong shots and sweaty Spike Ball victories.

Fishing pier poles double as the perfect posts for hammock straps for those reading or relaxing by the water.

Sand structures are being formed both for leisure (a giant sand lounge pit) and for functionality (a moat for keeping the sand from washing ashore.)

“Maximum relaxation,” Carl Steidl said from the depths of his homemade sand pit.

Regardless of whatever struggles it took to get here, whether it be hours of traffic, long walks or a sleepless night on the sand − everyone on the beach, for the most part, is just happy to be here.

“Everybody’s just being cool with each other,”said Catan enthusiast Joey Morales. “Even through parking craziness.”

Cooling tent, water available | 8:55 a.m.

Blue Angels fansare already feeling the heat and Escambia County officials are reminding visitors to thePensacola Beach Air Showthat a cooling tent and building is available.

The Pensacola Beach Chamber of Commerce have opened the Pensacola Beach Visitors Center in the Casino Beach parking lot as a cooling station. There is also a cooling tent outside with misting fans where volunteers are giving away free water.

"Having this helps to alleviate stress from our EMS medical tent so they can focus on more severe medical emergencies," Escambia County Emergency Coordinator Scottlin Williams said prior to the show.

Heat-related issues are the biggest issue emergency workers deal with during Red, White and Blues Week on the beach.

"If you even think you are beginning to feel the onset of a heat related illness, please make your way to the cooling station," Williams said.

The National Weather Service in Mobile issued a heat advisory that will last until 7 p.m. Tuesday. Meteorologist Stephen Miller told the News Journal that Pensacola could see an index as high as 111 degrees, and the beach area could feel as hot as 109 degrees.

Green flags flying at Pensacola Beach Air Show | 7:55 a.m.

It was also an early start for Pensacola Beach lifeguards this morning, who began serving the busy beach at 7 a.m. this morning. Once of their first pieces of business was determining the flag color, which was set to green.

“Green means generally calm surf and currents,” Water Safety Deputy Chief Alex Johnson said. “We have very minimal wave action, therefore there’s no water coming up, there’s very little water going out. Therefore, no current action either.”

Flag color is subject to change throughout the course of day, so it’s important to monitor the flags located around the beach.

You can find one outside of the public safety building, at the lifeguard stands, on the mobile lifeguard rovers, behind The Dock, at the end of the fishing piers and in various beach swimming areas.

“We had an amazing, smooth-as-butter day yesterday. Lovely conditions for the water. Amazing weather. Obviously, the biggestunknown going into the air show days is, ‘What’s the weather going to do? What are those afternoon storms going to do when the Blues are getting in the air right at 2 p.m.?’”

“Fingers crossed for another beautiful day today,” he added.

He also advised swimming near a lifeguard station, hydrating, applying sunscreen and seeking shade.

Heat advisory issued | 7:40 a.m.

As people continue making their way to Casino Beach in preparationfor the Blue Angels show, the heat index is also gearing up.

The National Weather Service in Mobile issued a heat advisory that will last until 7 p.m. Tuesday. Meteorologist Stephen Miller told the News Journal that Pensacola could see an index as high as 111 degrees, and the beach area could feel as hot as 109 degrees.

"It depends on when the sea breeze comes in," Miller said.

Miller says beachgoers can expect the heat index to reach its peak between noon and 1 p.m., just before the Blue Angels fly, so make sure you stock up on water before it gets too hot.

Fishing pier to partially close at 10:30 a.m.| 7 a.m.

If you’re looking to get a bird’s-eye view of the beach or pass the hours waiting for the Blues with a fishing rod in hand, the Pensacola Beach Fishing Pier is a must-visit spot along Casino Beach.

The 1,471-foot pier is filled with bench seating for a peaceful view of the water and provides a close-up-and-personal view of the Blue Angels once they take the sky.

Starting at 10:30 a.m., the pier will be closed off at the shoreline until 5 p.m. or until after the show ends.

If you want to walk the full pier in all its glory, you’ll have to do it before then.

Breakfast on Pensacola Beach? Try a Blue Angel bowl | 6:50 a.m.

If you’ve been up since the wee hours of the morning - 6:30 a.m. is practically lunch time.

Luckily, Bear Fruit Bowls & Coffee is open early along the fishing pier to caffeinate and fuel you. Dozens are already lining up to get a taste.

In addition to their regular menu items, such as the build-your-own-fruit bowls and honey lavender cold brews, they’re running a special bowl fittingly named “The Blue Angel.”

The bowl comes with a blue spirulina base and topped with peanut butter, mangoes, blueberries, pineapple and finished with honey.

Not only does it look pretty but comes packed with nutrients to keep you full throughout a long day in the sun.

“It’s light. A lot of breakfast in the south is laid with fat − you enjoy eating it; but in the moment it’s not good for you,” said Lee Bennett, who ordered The Blue Angel bowl.

“It’s something to fuel you for the day,” he said. “I need something light and natural.”

50 waterfront parking spots left -if you’re willing to pay | 6:25 a.m.

If you don’t drive a Chevy Silverado and can’t hoist your car over the dunes along Fort Pickens Road to parallel park − Pensacola Beach Resort has over 50 parking spots left. If you’re willing to pay.

The parking spots are $200 per spot, steps from the sand, and include two drink vouchers and a free appetizer from The Salty Rose Beach Bar and Grill.

The resort has sold over 100 spaces for the weekend so far. With the Casino Beach parking lot full by 3:30 a.m., many have been quick to swipe their card for The Pensacola Beach Resort’s lot this weekend to set up quickly on the sand without the crowds.

The Salty Rose will open at 8 a.m. serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Once purchased, the spot is yours for the day until about 10 p.m.

Pensacola Beach Resort is located at 165 Fort Pickens Road.

Trolley Service to Casino Beach to begin shortly | 6 a.m.

The SRIA's free, open-air trolleys will begin transporting people at 6:30 a.m. today from as far out as Park East, located a mile east of Portofino Resort. The extended route will run until 6 p.m. Afterward, it will resume its regular route until midnight.

The SRIA added four buses just for today, in addition to the three trolleys, to manage the large crowds.

Post air show, trolleys servicing Portofino Resort/Park East will be staged on Via de Luna in front of Sideline’s Sports Bar and the Hampton Inn (facing east). Trolleys servicing Park West will be staged on Fort Pickens Road in front of the Surf & Sand Hotel and The Sandshaker (facing west).

Due to extreme traffic and congestion buildup, trolley service to the access road stops (Grand Marlin, Radical Rides/Laguna’s, Quietwater Beach and the Boardwalk) will be temporarily suspended until 6 p.m. Following that, the regular route will resume until midnight.

Passengers who wish to get back to their vehicles as soon as the air show ends need to be on the first fleet of buses leaving Casino Beach post show. Due to the gridlock that occurs immediately following the air show, riders should expect to wait 90 minutes or more for the trolleys or buses to return to Casino Beach, if they are not on the first trip out.

Pensacola Beach already crowded at prime spots for air show | 5:50 a.m.

As strokes of pink begin to peak out through clouds over the sea of patterned umbrellas − some beachgoers are thanking their lucky stars they sacrificed the sleep to find a parking space.

Bobby Temple, whose friends arrived at about 1:30 a.m. thought they were in the clear for a prime beach spot. To their surprise, the beach was already packed.

“Pretty much all this looked like this already,” Temple said, overlooking the busy beach.

He said that many people began arriving by 9 p.m. on Friday night to set up camp.

Tracey Durfee, who had already driven about an hour this morning from Alabama to get to the show, was also shocked to find that 3:30 a.m. wasn’t early enough to get a space in the main parking lot as it had been in years past.

She ended up finding a parallel parking spot about a mile away, where she and her family hauled all the pieces of their soon-to-be campsite for the day.

Parallel spots like hers are already few and far between.

“Years past, we’d get here before 4:30 a.m. and normally get a parking spot,” she said.

“I’ve been coming here 20 years going to the Blue Angels,” she added. “I know if you don’t get down here early, you’re not going to get a parking spot.”

Casino Beach Parking lot closed by 3:30 a.m. | 5:15 a.m.

You know it’s the day of the official Pensacola Beach Air Show when cars are speeding toward Pensacola Beach, coolers strapped on the back, hours before sunrise.

This year, even those who attended the show earlier in the week didn’t want to take their chances reparking and opted to remain on the beach overnight.

Even those who opted to get an “early start” from 2 to 3 a.m., as the lot closed at about 3:30 a.m.

For those that did get an early start, they did reap the gift of fast-flowing traffic into Pensacola Beach itself, even if they didn’t secure a space in the main Casino Beach parking lot.

In the darkness of early morning, beachgoers are making the trek from surrounding parking areas, backpacks, and beach chairs in tow, toward the main beach for a day of fun in the sun.

Casino Beach and Quietwater parking lot full at Pensacola beach | 5 a.m.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office reported at 5 a.m. that both the Casino Beach and Quietwater parking lots are now closed due to hitting capacity.

The main Casino Beach parking lot closed by 3:30 a.m., a full hour before the 2023 Saturday show when the main Casino Beach parking lot closed at 4:37 a.m. That same year the lot closed at 7:47 a.m. for Friday's show.

This year’s Friday show closed about an hour earlier than the previous year, with officials announcing it was closed just before 7 a.m. The Quietwater parking lot did not close until after 10 a.m. on Friday.

Addition parking can be found at Park East and West, where shuttles and buses will transport visitor to Casino Beach.

Pensacola Bay Bridge traffic heavy | 4:30 a.m.

As Pensacola Beach gears up for the Blue Angels airshow today, a steady stream of vehicles are already making their way across the Three Mile Bridge to find a spot in the already near-capacity Casino Beach Parking lot.

The main lot remains open for now, but as traffic begins to increase on Pensacola Beach residents, tourists and Blues lovers can expect slowdowns as parking becomes unavailable.

Pensacola Beach Air Show live coverage: Blue Angels wow despite bad weather (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.