1. Les Raisins de la Mort (Movie, 1978) - MovieMeter.com
Les Raisins de la Mort (1978) · Genre: Horror · Duration: 85 minuten · Alternative titles: The Grapes of Death / Moordlustige Zombies / Pesticide · Country: France ...
Horror movie.
2. The Grapes of Death (1978) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
A young woman discovers that the pesticide being sprayed on vineyards is turning people into murderous lunatics.
3. Les Raisins de la Mort - Absolute Horror Wiki - Fandom
Les Raisins de La Mort (English title: The Grapes of Death) is a 1978 French horror film directed by Jean Rollin. When a worker at the Roublès winemaking ...
Les Raisins de La Mort (English title: The Grapes of Death) is a 1978 French horror film directed by Jean Rollin. When a worker at the Roublès winemaking vineyard becomes ill, complaining of a pain in his neck, his boss insists it's a minor injury and tells him to go back to work. Élizabeth is travelling by train to Roublès to live with her fiancee, the owner of the vineyard. She makes a friend with a woman on the train. The worker with the neck pain boards the train and stares at Élizabeth's fr
4. The Grapes Of Death (Les Raisins De La Mort) - NUTS4R2
1 jul 2014 · The Grapes Of Death (Les Raisins De La Mort) 1978 France Directed by Jean Rollin Redemption Blu Ray Region A
Raisin The Dead The Grapes Of Death (Les Raisins De La Mort) 1978 France Directed by Jean Rollin Redemption Blu Ray Region A W...
5. The Grapes of Death (1978) directed by Jean Rollin • Reviews, film + cast
The Grapes of Death. 1978. Les Raisins de la mort. Directed by Jean Rollin. Synopsis. When the wine flows, the terror begins… A young woman discovers that the ...
A young woman discovers that the pesticide being sprayed on vineyards is turning people into murderous lunatics.
6. The Grapes of Death - Les raisins de la mort (1978) - CeDe.com
FSK / age rating, from age 18 ; Publication date, 23.04.2013 ; Audio, English ; Length, 85 Minutes ; Year of production, 1978.
The wine produced for the village's annual Grape Harvest Festival has been polluted by a vicious pesticide, leaving all but a few attendees alive. The dead walk again in a zombie state, killing those that remain. The fight for survival begins.
7. The Grapes of Death (1978) - The EOFFTV Review - WordPress.com
3 okt 2019 · The Grapes of Death (1978). Date: 3 October 2019Author: Kevin Lyons 3 Comments. Original title: Les raisins de la mort. The box office failure ...
Original title: Les raisins de la mort The box office failure of La rose de fer/The Iron Rose (1973) and Lèvres de sang/Lips of Blood (1975) Jean Rollin had largely retreated into the more commerci…
8. Grapes Of Death, The (1978) - Bleeding Skull
Grapes Of Death, The (1978). aka Les Raisins De La MortDirected by Jean RollinRedemption Blu-ray. Posted on October 27, 2011. By Joseph A. Ziemba.
In Laurel & Hardy’s Our Relations, Oliver Hardy says, “You can trust me insipidly.” It’s one of their most enduring puns and there’s a good reason why.
9. Les raisins de la mort (film, 1978) - FilmVandaag.nl
Les raisins de la mort (1978) · Alternatieve titel(s): The Grapes of Death, Moordlustige Zombies, Pesticide · Jouw beoordeling: · Deel deze film · Trailer · Gezien- ...
Een jonge vrouw beleeft een nachtmerrie tijdens een vakantie met een vriend, als ze uit angst een trein ontvlucht en terecht komt in een dorp vol…
10. {Feature} Visions From Beyond The Dave #11 – The Grapes Of Death ...
6 dec 2019 · The Grapes Of Death (aka Les Raisins De La Mort). 1978, Dir. Jean ... Up next is Night Shoot, a brutal throwback to the early 80s slasher movie ...
The Grapes Of Death (aka Les Raisins De La Mort) 1978, Dir. Jean Rollin Reviewed By David Sodergren The Grapes of Death, eh? How can anyone resist a film with a title like that? It’s even better in its native French - Les Raisons de La Mort. It’s a ridiculous-sounding title, and yet it’s e
11. Raisins de la Mort, Les Review (1978) - The Spinning Image
Raisins de la Mort, Les, Little Old Wine Drinker Me. Year: 1978. Director: Jean Rollin. Stars: Marie-Georges Pascal, Félix Marten, Serge Marquand, ...
Raisins de la Mort, Les (1978) review. Director: Jean Rollin. Starring: Marie-Georges Pascal, Félix Marten, Serge Marquand, Mirella Rancelot, Patrice Valota, Patricia Cartier, Michel Herval, Brigitte Lahaie, Paul Bisciglia, Olivier Rollin, Françoise Pascal, Evelyne Thomas, Jean-Piere Rouloux, Jean Rollin
See Also别打扰我种田 Characters
12. Movie Review: The Grapes of Death (1978) Les Raisins De La Mort
9 sep 2014 · Of course, when you get to movies like In My Skin, the scale tips well past the clean and clear measure and goes sailing out the window, but ...
Zombos Says: Have a glass of wine instead. Seriously, have a glass or two of wine instead of seeing this movie. French directors (that would be Jean Rollin in this case) often have trouble handling the subtleties of horror and science fiction; namely that there are no subtleties. Instead of...
13. The Grapes of Death Blu-ray (Les Raisins de la Mort)
19 apr 2013 · The Grapes of Death Blu-ray Release Date April 23, 2013 (Les Raisins de la Mort). Blu-ray reviews, news, specs, ratings, screenshots.
The Grapes of Death Blu-ray Release Date April 23, 2013 (Les Raisins de la Mort). Blu-ray reviews, news, specs, ratings, screenshots. Cheap Blu-ray movies and deals.
14. THE GRAPES OF DEATH (1978) Reviews and overview
8 feb 2013 · The Grapes of Death – original title: Les Raisins de La Mort – is a 1978 French horror film directed by Jean Rollin. It stars Marie-Georges ...
The Grapes of Death – original title: Les Raisins de La Mort – is a 1978 French horror film directed by Jean Rollin. It stars Marie-Georges Pascal, Felix Marten and Brigitte Lahaie, a …
15. Grapes of Death / Les Raisins de la Mort (1978) - read this to be clean.
29 jun 2016 · We caught this absurdly-titled zombie(ish) film by Jean Rollin in its last days of streamability on Amazon Prime, which is purging its service of everything ...
We caught this absurdly-titled zombie(ish) film by Jean Rollin in its last days of streamability on Amazon Prime, which is purging its service of everything good and pure (e.g. trashy French vampire movies) at the end of June. It’s not in my top 5 Jean movies, but I enjoyed it. Some workers return through dead-looking […]
16. Les raisins de la mort (1978) - The Bloody Pit of Horror Blog
4 aug 2013 · Grape harvesters who work for Roubelais Vineyard have been using a new chemical pesticide on their annual crop.
... aka: Grapes of Death, The ... aka: Pesticide ... aka: Raisins of Death, The ... aka: Village of the Living Dead, The Directed by:...
17. Les Raisins de la mort - The Grapes Of Death (Jean Rollin, 1978)
7 feb 2009 · Les Raisins de la mort - The Grapes Of Death (Jean Rollin, 1978). A ... Les Raisins de la mort, a film made ten years past these events --
A glass a day keeps the doctor away... A cautionary, metaphoric film of deceptions about the destructs of alcoholism -- spread throughout a ...
18. They Shoot Zombies, Don't They? 1000 Best Horror Movies - 1001plus
The Grapes of Death (Les raisins de la mort) (1978) 1103. Reincarnation ... Panic in the Year Zero (1962) · 1179. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (1978)
The bolded names on this page will take you to my review of the given film listed on the They Shoot Zombies, Don't They? list of the 1000 m...
19. (PDF) “Resisting Bodies: Power Crisis / Meaning Crisis in the Zombie Film ...
Afin de déterminer ce qui, dans le film de zombie et la figure du zombie ... The ensuing horror is expressed by Neil when he lets out in a bout of ...
Critics have repeatedly focused on the political subtexts of the living dead films of George A. Romero, revealing, notably, how they reflect specific social concerns. In order to determine what makes the zombie movie and the figure of the zombie so
20. Les raisins de la mort | Danish Film Institute - Det Danske Filminstitut
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21. Liste des films par année - L'Oeil sur l'Ecran
Liste de tous les films chroniqués sur le blog L'Oeil sur l'Ecran classés par année de réalisation.